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Millionaire Blog

Are you raising your kids to become financially know how to make, manage, save, and invest their own money at a young age? If you believe that teaching your kids about money management is your kids will never be stressed out or worried about not having ENOUGH money...or living paycheck to paycheck...or you having to bail them out financially... then this blog is for you.

Friday, July 20, 2007

American Savings Rates WORST in the World

Did you know that the national savings rates of average Americans is Negative?

The savings rates are worse now than they were during the depression.

Scary, isn't it?

According to a 2006 report by the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank in Washington, D.C., only about 18% of middle-class families said they had three months' expenses saved.

And worse is that nearly 60% of people 44 and under didn't even have $500 set aside for an emergency, according to the Federal Reserve Board's 2004 Survey of Consumer Finances.

No wonder credit card debt is at all time highs! People are forced to use plastic for any little set-back.

Help your kids avoid these same pitfalls by getting them in the habit of saving money - especially an emergency fund.


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About Me

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I'm a small business owner in video/web conferencing software and mother of 4 incredible kids...3 teens and 1 tween! I started this blog to share with other small business owners how you can use video conferencing to: Cut travel costs Get more work done faster Expand your marketing reach And even go green in your business! I'll also be writing about my own trials and tribulations the past 3 years in getting this business off the ground. I'm not sure if I would describe it as a horror story or comedy act! You can be the judge.