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Millionaire Blog

Are you raising your kids to become financially know how to make, manage, save, and invest their own money at a young age? If you believe that teaching your kids about money management is your kids will never be stressed out or worried about not having ENOUGH money...or living paycheck to paycheck...or you having to bail them out financially... then this blog is for you.

Monday, January 7, 2008

A New Year Means a New Budget

Hi Parents!

Did you make any New Year's resolutions regarding money? Like save more, pay down your debt, or start investing on a regular basis?

If so, you're not alone. New Year's resolutions regarding money is right up there with losing weight!

In order for you to achieve your financial goals, you need to have a "road map" to get there - and that means a budget. Now don't panic! Budgeting is not impossible and can actually be simple.

Here's 3 Steps to Get Started:

1) Keep a daily journal of every penny you spend for one month - with cash, check, debit card, and credit card. This will give you a good idea "where your money goes".

2) Based on your journal, set up income and spending categories. For example, groceries, eating out, gas, rent/mortgage, cell phone, internet, clothing, coffee, etc.

3) Add up your expenses for the month - do they add up to your monthly income? If not, readjust your spending limits to equal your income.

Now you have the beginnings of a simple budget. Tomorrow we'll take it 3 steps further...

Isn't this easy?!


About Me

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I'm a small business owner in video/web conferencing software and mother of 4 incredible kids...3 teens and 1 tween! I started this blog to share with other small business owners how you can use video conferencing to: Cut travel costs Get more work done faster Expand your marketing reach And even go green in your business! I'll also be writing about my own trials and tribulations the past 3 years in getting this business off the ground. I'm not sure if I would describe it as a horror story or comedy act! You can be the judge.