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Millionaire Blog

Are you raising your kids to become financially know how to make, manage, save, and invest their own money at a young age? If you believe that teaching your kids about money management is your kids will never be stressed out or worried about not having ENOUGH money...or living paycheck to paycheck...or you having to bail them out financially... then this blog is for you.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

An allowance or not?

Do your kids get an allowance every week? How much?

There's a lot of debate about allowance - some experts say you should give allowance based on age and what chores are expected. Others say you should give allowance to teach kids about money.

Personally, I give allowance to my kids once a month, what better way to teach them automatically to budget their money?! But I don't base their allowance on specific chores.

They get an allowance as a perk to being in our family and to learn how to manage money. Be careful about giving an allowance based on chores - otherwise your kids will be asking you how much you'll pay them for every little chore they do around the house!

According to a Nickelodean study, the average allowance for kids is $6 a week for 12 year olds and under and $14 dollars a week for teens 13-17 years old. My kids get much less - but I also have an "Optional" list of chores on the refrigerator if they want to make some extra money around the house.

That way they can be ambitious if they want to and I can get a much deserved break!


Friday, March 9, 2007

Love dogs? This is a great home business for your kids...

My 10 year old daughter loooves she is starting her very own doggie daycare business this summer. She was inspired by her sister who started a business taking care of horses while the owners are on vacation.

But she doesn't have her drivers license so she came up with the idea of doggie daycare where the dogs will be brought to her.

There is HUGE opportunities in starting pet home businesses. Baby boomers are treating their pets like children - and they spend billions doing it. There are even pet-friendly hotels and restaurants!

Who knows, maybe your kids could be a doggie birthday planner! So have some fun and blog about your own pet home business ideas or experiences...


About Me

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I'm a small business owner in video/web conferencing software and mother of 4 incredible kids...3 teens and 1 tween! I started this blog to share with other small business owners how you can use video conferencing to: Cut travel costs Get more work done faster Expand your marketing reach And even go green in your business! I'll also be writing about my own trials and tribulations the past 3 years in getting this business off the ground. I'm not sure if I would describe it as a horror story or comedy act! You can be the judge.